I’m working with a client that requested me to update their Drupal’s theme, and together with that it came a surprise, a custom module that does display data on a map.
The custom module make use of paragraphs, each sub element contains relative coordinates, a title, and a few other fields.
Pretty cool! And I was able to “fix” it in order to look exactly as the client wanted…
Anyhow, onto the point.
Getting the correct translation
I thought it was something easier, but it took me a few hours of google and stackexchange.
This page helped me understand a bit more how it works, and with that I was able to get the page’s translated field.
To extract the keypoint, you will have to use this code to get the same object but with the right translation:
$paragraph = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')->getTranslationFromContext($paragraph, $langcode);
To give a bit of context, this code is inside the paragrap’s preprocess hook:
function hook_preprocess_paragraph(&$variables) {
$paragraph = $variables['paragraph'];
$langcode = $paragraph->language()->getId();
switch($paragraph->getType()) {
case 'my_paragraph_field':
$translatedParagraph = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')->getTranslationFromContext($paragraph, $langcode);
Something like that.