Drupal – Ajax error 403 entity too large, how to fix
The issue, at least in my case was in the NGINX configurationUsually you have to modify the file:/etc/nginx/nginx.confYou have to add/modify this value:client_max_body_size 100M Usually you’ll find this parameter in this context: But it might be somewhere else if you use for example Yunohost or probably even Sandstorm.So in that case file might be located… Continue reading→
Drupal 8 – add javascript library with dynamic parameters
Dang… sometimes Drupal really makes you suffer…But I love it anyhow… poor Drupal, nobody likes it because nobody understands it, LOL. Ok, let’s get serious, if you have troubles modifying the parameters of an attached Javascript library, you’re not alone, let’s see how to do it. First, I’m referring to adding javascript as per official… Continue reading→
My Godot Android game does not work! PANIC! (And what to do)
Did it ever happen to you?To have some really weird problems like: App crash after splash screen My app runs in debug mode but doesn’t on release The app crashes after a few seconds-minutes playing visuals are super weird! that asset isn’t part of my project! (that’s weird) DONT PANIC! do this first, then panic… Continue reading→
Procedurally generate meshes with Godot 3.1 – different approaches
As I needed for my Godot 3.x addon I decided to test the different approaches that Godot offers to generate 3D meshes, so far (to my knowledge) there are 3 ways to do that: Use ImmediateGeometry Use SurfaceTool Directly generate an ArrayMesh So I will describe the above approaches and eventually mention its pros and… Continue reading→
Home made text slider
So, instead of continuing the series of articles “Drupal 8 theming with bootstrap 3” I decided to switch to articles specific to an aspect of this journey through theme development. This time we are going to see how I implemented in Drupal 8, I hope this will be useful to someone else too. Simple text… Continue reading→
Alternate text with CSS (and not) only!
Well, I’m in the theming development again, and I want my customer to be wondered by special FX, in this case alternating text, something like a slider but that changes only the text, or part of it. Some examples taken from codepen If you want to alternate a part of the text like it is… Continue reading→
Drupal 8 theming with bootstrap 3 – part 2
Hey! Welcome back! Glad you’re interested in my work. So, this is the second part of a series of articles (don’t know how many yet), about the development of a theme for Drupal 8 using the base theme Bootstrap 3. You can check the previous article here. What’s new I have added animations, in two… Continue reading→
How I am developing a Drupal 8 child theme based on Bootstrap 3
Preparation Even before starting developing I needed a plan, I wanted to use a subtheme (or child theme), as creating one from scratch requires much more work, and I wanted to avoid reinventing the wheel, so I opted for the Bootstrap 3 base theme for Drupal 8. So what I did was to first try… Continue reading→
Cool features from the upcoming Godot 3.1
Since I’ve being able to compile Godot from my laptop i’ve being testing it as I want to re-write the GodotMapLoader plugin for this version (my previous version is broken in v3.1). And today I found out 2 cool features I want to share here: Debug windows shows where the error is originated from RigidBody… Continue reading→
Godot 3.0 Map Loader is (almost) ready!
The Map Loader addon for Godot 3.0 is almos ready! I’ve been working really hard on this, so please have a look. Continue reading→